Q&A: Do your tics hurt or bother you? Are they the same as everyone else, or different?


I made my first vlog. My mama’s friend Courtney asked me questions and I answered them on the video. You can see my video next.

Have a good day!


One thought on “Q&A: Do your tics hurt or bother you? Are they the same as everyone else, or different?”

  1. Wow! Thank you SO much for answering my questions, Utah! I learned a lot from this vlog. Also, I just wanted to tell you that your Mom is right – I probably never would have known that your sniffs, coughs, etc. were actually tics if you had never told me, so please do not worry about them bothering others around you. Just keep being your awesome self, and I hope you’ll continue helping others understand that Tourette Syndrome is just one of the many things that make you super special and unique!

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